Ag Plus, Inc. Market Center

Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of January 27, 2025, 09:30:29 PM CST or prior.

Ag News

Ag Market Commentary
Soybeans Pull Back on Monday
The soybean market faced some selling pressure on Monday, with contracts down 5 to 11 cents at the close. CmdtyView’s national front month Cash Bean price was down 11 cents at $9.84. Soymeal futures were down a dime to $4.10/ton, with Soy Oil futures down 18 to 23 points on...
Cattle Posts Mixed Trade on Monday
Live cattle futures closed with gains of 80 to 90 cents in the nearbys on Monday. A few cash sales were reported early last week at $201 in the South, with late week sales jumping up to $208 in KS. Northern trade has pushed up to $205-212, with a bulk...
Cotton Heads Lower on Monday
Cotton futures posted losses on Monday, with contracts 26 to 34 points in the red. Crude oil futures were down $1.56/barrel on the day. The US dollar index was down 105 points on the day. The Seam reported 12,724 bales of online sales on January 24 at an average price...
Hogs Post Strength on Monday
Lean hog futures posted gains of 75 cents to $1.67 on Monday. The national average base hog negotiated price was reported at $80.39 on Monday afternoon, up a penny from the day prior. The CME Lean Hog Index was reported at $81.92 on January 23, down 1 cent from the...
Corn Traders Take a Risk Off Approach on Monday
Corn futures rounded out the Monday session with contracts down 2 to 4 ½ cents at the close, pulling off midday lows. The national average Cash Corn price from cmdtyView was down 4 1/2 cents at $4.47 3/4. USDA reported a private export sale of 139,000 MT of corn to...
Wheat Posts Losses on Monday
Wheat faced weakness on Monday, with the three markets falling lower. Chicago SRW futures were down 8 to 10 cents in the nearbys. KC HRW futures were 6 to 7 lower in the front months. MPLS spring wheat was 9 to 10 cents in the red. Texas released their state...

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